Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My next body upgrade....planning....hopefully this year....

Sekarang nie dok planning2 nk upgrade body @ beli body baru...sebab kamera d3000 skrg nie saya kongsi dgn wife saya sbb dia gunakan utk ambik gbr2 job makeup slalu bila saya nk ada outing @ ada photography class akan timbul masalah sbb most of the weekend dia pn ada job makeup....
From there saya fikir kalau saya nk serius dalam bidang photography nie saya kna ada 1 lagi body so that it will be much easier for both of us....

Dalam kepala tu klu ikut kemahuan mmg laa nk yg terbaik dan just like many Otai2 cakap...gambar yg baik n cantik bkn nya 100% datg dari kamera yg all depends on the people that is using it to the max capability of the camera....
So from there I believe there's a few option for me to choose...pada saya juga brand tk manjadi masalah n saya bkn brand goes my final list...which is still under my budget soon....

First choice...bkn plg mahal n bkn plg murah jugak...but based n the spec and polulariti of the camera n reviews world wide....Nikon D90....byk yg sya suka pasal kamera nie...its nicely built...has a nice kit lens...many very good features and it was rated DO IT ALL camera by many photography reviews world wide....lg 1 it will be easier for me to share lens with my nikon D3000 due to the same brand....hmmmm.....

Ok so 2nd choice will be from other manufacturer....masih baru lagi dipasaran n have many features to beat the D90 at it own games, here come the Canon 60D.....nevertheless its also the most expensive in my list.....lepas hari tu cuba n test camera cikgu adhadi semasa kelas fotografi...mmg rasa best sgt kamera feels a bit bigger from d90...

And my 3rd choice and the least expensive of the 3 is SONY Alpha 580....even though its the most unpopular choice for photog kt Malaysia has received a very2 good review from many expert on the technology n design of the camera....even b4 I started in photography...the Sony camera is the first that catch my eyes with it nice design n features.....what I like most about the Sony a580 is that the default colour of the camera is more VIVID than others.....I was surprised when I take a look at a few friends of mine on the quality of the colours taken by this camera.....

SO there goes my list of options....all of them have their Pro n Cons....for the brand conscious user they will stick with what they know and what they are bg saya saya lbh suka explore other possibilities and boundaries of other makes/brand and experiences it on hand @ try guna sendiri n than you can judge how it is....
As of no...I'm keeping my finger cross that I'll have enough money soon to but one of it.....tq....

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